February 27, 2012

February 23rd, 2012 by jnewell

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.    Matthew 6:33

Never Enough Time…

If you were like me, there never seems to be enough time to get things done.  Each day brings our daily chores or To-Do lists…  pray, read devotional, make the bed, exercise, get the kids up, ready for school, then off to school (don’t forget to feed them breakfast!), check email, laundry, clean the house, go to work, make dinner, help with homework, bedtime routines…  you get the picture.  Did you notice the first thing on my “To Do” list?  It is to pray (in accordance to His will) and then read my devotional.  It wasn’t always like that for me.  I would jump out of bed and do all the other things I needed to get done throughout the day and then maybe somewhere in between the daily chores or before bed, I would get to pray, read my devotional and God’s word…  maybe.  Maybe if I wasn’t too tired from the day.  Does this sound familiar?  When your routine was like mine, without putting God first, do you get everything accomplished that you want to for the day?  My guess is, no.  Or if you do, possibly you do so without joy, but with anxiety and frustration.   Notice that I said, “If you were like me” because things changed for me.  My heart changed with an even greater longing for our God and His will for me.  I know I can do nothing without Him “who gives me strength” (Phil 4:13).  I know that my day cannot begin without Him if I want to have joy and peace in my life…  and get all those things done that seem so important.  Make the time to be in His Presence…  be still with Him and listen.  Seek His will by starting the day with Him…  as His promise to you is “for all things shall be given to you, as well.”  It’s funny (or maybe not), when I do this, when I put God and my Lord, Jesus Christ, first, I seem to have enough time.

Deacon Deb Stevens

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