February 29, 2012

February 27th, 2012 by jnewell

February 29, 2012


One of the greatest jobs I have ever had is my volunteering at Pike County Correctional Facility in Lords Valley, Pennsylvania.  It does not pay much as far as money is concerned but it is the most satisfying job I have ever had the privilege to do in my career.

The inmates I meet and counsel are some of the most interesting people I have ever met. For the most part they are above average in intelligence and have been through most difficult times in their lives leading up to the time they have found themselves incarcerated.

Most I meet are there for drug related crimes and behaviors, and it always amazes me that although none want to be where they are, many return to jail once they have been released.  The reason they return is because they refuse to change their behavior and enter some sort of Recovery Program.

All the inmates want to be free, but few want to change.  I tell them that there is a way that they can be set free, but there are certain things they must commit to do in order to be set free.  John 8:31-32 holds the answer.  “…If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!”

It is simple is it not?  If we know the TRUTH about Jesus Christ and if we hold to His teachings, then no matter where we find ourselves, no matter what the situation is, we will be free indeed!  The problem is, however, how many of us (and how many of them for that matter) really want to hold to our LORDS teachings?

It is a choice we all must make.  Will we follow our own leadings or will we follow the lead of our great GOD?  As Joshua said in Joshua 24:15…choose for yourselves…whom you will serve…as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”  Please pray that these men and women make the right choice and are added to the family of GOD.  Amen & AMEN!

Lord, Help us to make the right choice in following and serving You.  Help us to know the TRUTH that sets us free!  Amen.

Mike Neel

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