April 5, 2012

April 2nd, 2012 by jnewell

April 5, 2012

Maundy Thursday

Read Matthew 26:31-56

The Cross As An Example

Was it necessary for the Son of God to suffer for us?  It was very necessary, on two counts.  Firstly, as a remedy for our sins; and secondly, as a model for us in our behavior.  Through the death of Christ, we have the opportunity for our sins to be forgiven, and for us to be saved from the evil consequences of our sins.  But the passion of Christ is no less useful to us as an example.  Indeed it is sufficient in itself to instruct in life as a whole.  If you want to live a perfect life, you need only despise the things which Christ despised on the cross, and to desire what Christ desires.  The cross provides an example for every virtue.

If you are looking for an example of charity- Christ laid down His life for us on the cross…  If you are looking for an example of patience- Christ allowed Himself to be led like a lamb to the slaughter…  If you are looking for an example of humility- Christ allowed Himself to be judged by such a man as Pontius Pilate…

Thomas Aquinas

Conferences on the Creed

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