April 7, 2012

April 2nd, 2012 by jnewell

April 7, 2012

Read Psalm 22

The Legend of the Dogwood Tree

In Jesus’ day, so says the legend, the dogwood trees grew straight and tall, towering over other trees.  When the soldiers came to find a tree from which to fashion the cross of Christ, they chose this straight and sturdy tree.

The dogwood tree was ashamed and bowed down its head to Christ; and Christ, beholding its shame, understood.  Gently touching the glorious petals, He told the tree that it never again would be put to such a use.  No longer would the dogwood grow straight and strong; instead it would be crooked and slender.  The blossoms that Christ had touched assumed the shape of a cross.  On each petal dark stains appeared, resembling nail scars.  From the center sprang a marking like a crown of thorns.

This is only a lovely story, but when we look at the blossoms of the dogwood tree, we are forever reminded of Christ, who left His home in glory to die for us, so that we might live.

Author Unknown

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